iu health bloomington building


IU Health Bloomington Hospital

4.6 out of 5 stars (45,944 ratings)

The mission of IU Health Bloomington is to improve the health of our patients and community through innovation and excellence in care, education, research and service.

Your Visit

Parking Instructions

Patients may be dropped off or picked up at the main entrance, which faces Discovery Parkway and offers a covered area, or as directed on the pre-visit information from your doctor’s office.

For your safety and convenience, IU Health Bloomington has free parking lots located near our main entrances.


IU Health Bloomington has contracted Denison Parking to support valet services that will be available to all patients and visitors free of charge.

The valet service will be available the following times:

  • Monday – Friday: 8 am – 4:30 pm

Transportation Options

Public Bus Systems

Bloomington Transit offers regular bus service through much of the Bloomington community. Phone number: 812.336.RIDE

Rural Transit

Rural Transit is a service of the Area 10 Agency on Aging, offering bus service to everyone in Monroe, Owen and Lawrence counties. You can ride no matter your age or physical abilities; however, riders under 12 years of age are required to be accompanied by an adult. Please call 24 hours or more in advance of your trip on weekdays, if possible. A wheelchair lift (ADA compliant) is available. Non-express trips are scheduled based on space and availability. Rural Transit is a Medicaid transportation provider.

Phone number: 812.876.1079

Taxi and Shuttle Services

Taxi services in Bloomington are independently owned and operated.

Yellow Cab Co., Inc.

Phone number: 812.339.9744

Bloomington Shuttle (offering service to Indianapolis airport)

Phone number: 812.332.6004

Our healthcare team understands that having family and friends around is important to the healing process. Your family is welcome anytime, but we do ask guests to follow the guidelines below.

All patients have the right to choose who may visit them during their inpatient stay, regardless of whether the visitor is a family member, a spouse, a domestic partner, including a same-sex domestic partner, or other type of visitor, as well as a right to withdraw such consent to visitation at any time.

When can guests visit?

IU Health Bloomington encourages families to be involved in the healthcare of patients. General visiting hours are observed between 11 am and 8 pm. Visitation hours can vary for each hospital unit. Our Women and Children's Services has Snooze & Snuggle time from 3 - 5 pm for mom to rest and bond with baby. Please check with nursing staff for appropriate visiting times.

Your care team members may occasionally change or restrict normal visiting hours in the interest of a patient’s health due to their condition, unit or scheduled procedures.

How do we make sure patients get the rest they need?

We want to make sure that all of our patients are able to rest. Please keep voices low. Guests may be asked to return at a later time if their behavior is disturbing other patients or making it difficult for the care team to take care of the patient.

If someone is sick, can they visit?

For your protection, people may not visit if they are sick, especially if they have a sore throat, cold or fever.

Is smoking allowed?

All IU Health facilities are smoke-free. For the safety of everyone, smoking is not allowed in any IU Health building or on the grounds.

What is the IU Health alcohol and drug policy?

All IU Health facilities are alcohol and drug-free.

What is the IU Health firearm policy?

It is the policy of Indiana University Health that no one, other than IU Health Security Officers or on-duty Law Enforcement Officers, carry or have in their possession a firearm or weapon while in a IU Health facility. Law enforcement officers should check in with IU Health Security if they plan to carry on premises.

Can I dispose of prescriptions here?

The best way to safely dispose of unused pills and other over-the-counter or prescription drugs is to take them to designated collection sites.

You can find the IU Health Bloomington prescription drug drop box on Level Two, across from the gift shop.

At IU Health Bloomington, our goal is to do everything we can to make you and your guests feel safe and comfortable while you are in our care. To make your stay with us easier, below is a listing of some of the many services that are available to you and your family.

Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)

For your convenience, ATMs are available just down the hall near the cafeteria. Any ATM card or card displaying the plus symbol can access these machines.

Internet Services

IU Health Bloomington is pleased to provide free Wi-Fi for you and your visitors. The wireless network is available 24/7 in all areas of our hospital. Please note that IU Health cannot provide technical help for your device or help connecting to the network.

Places to Stay

If family members and other guests need a place to stay, a hotel list provided by the local visitors’ bureau can be requested by calling 812.334.8900. The hospital does not negotiate special patient or guest rates. Many local facilities provide them if asked.


Our team of guest relations representatives and volunteers are happy to get you a wheelchair when you arrive. Please ask any of our team members for assistance or visit the nearest information desk.

We know that good nutrition helps heal the body, so there are a variety of dining options available for patients, families and guests at IU Health Bloomington.


The Cafeteria serves staff, visitors and patients and is located on the first floor of the main campus.

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday hours:

Breakfast: 6 – 10 am
Lunch: 11 am – 2 pm
Dinner: 5 – 7 pm

Grill is open Monday through Friday from 11 am – 4:30 pm. Grab and go open from 6 am - 11 pm, 3rd shift: midnight - 2 am.

Overnight services is offered from 1:30 – 4 am, Monday through Friday.

Weekend hours:

Breakfast: 6 am - 10 am
Grill open from 11 am - 4:30 pm
Grab and go open until 1 am

Menus are subject to change based on availability of food and supplies.

To dine with a patient order a Guest Tray

A Guest Tray can be delivered at the same time as the patient meal. The cost for this is $8 per meal and will be paid in advance. To order a guest tray, call 812.353.9405 at least one hour prior to patient meal time and have a credit card ready. Cash and check also accepted. It is important to know that medical insurance does not cover the cost of Guest Trays.

For patients celebrating a special occasion such as a birthday or anniversary, IU Health Bloomington can make special meal accommodations by sending a small birthday cupcake or pie. Several specialty items are available for more restrictive diets. Please inform our staff of any religious or other diet restrictions you would like to request for your meal preparation. We will accommodate as much as possible as it relates to your diet order through your physician.

The Daily Perk

Visitors can purchase gourmet coffee and other beverages from 6:30 am – 8 pm, Monday - Friday and 7 - 10 am on Saturday and Sunday. The Daily Perk is part of the We Proudly Serve Starbucks Coffee Program.

Restaurant Deliveries

Restaurant deliveries and carry-in are welcome at the hospital. You should check with your nursing staff before ordering to make sure the food ordered matches the doctor’s diet orders.

The gift shop at IU Health Bloomington Hospital which is supported by the Bloomington Hospital Auxiliary offers unique gifts for all ages. The gift shop provides a full selection of gifts, cards, flowers, and snacks.

Family members or friends who would like to purchase flowers or a gift can call 812.918.3440. Gift shop staff can help select the right gift and include a personal note. Plus we offer free delivery anywhere in the hospital.

The gift shop is located in the on-stage area of the second floor. It is open Monday through Friday from 9 am - 5 pm.


Flowers and gifts may be delivered to the Volunteer & Visitor Service Office. Volunteers deliver these items on weekdays to patient rooms.

Deliveries for Non-Disclosure Patients

Some patients choose to keep their stay in the hospital private. If you have asked us to not tell anyone that you are here by registering as a “non-disclosure” or “no information” patient, our team cannot say that you are a patient at the hospital or accept any deliveries.

Hospital Map

Download our facility map for IU Health Bloomington to help you locate the main entrances, emergency entrances, guest services desk and other available amenities.

Download Hospital Map (PDF)

Tour the Labor & Delivery and Mother Baby Units

Please email our Childbirth Education Coordinator for more information.

Medical Services


Orthopedics treats problems with bones, joints, muscles and the spine to help you return to your previous level of activity quickly and safely. Now offering virtual visits.